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Bed & Breakfasts in Italy: The case of the Emilia-Romagna Region

di Teresa Branzaglia

Alma Mater Studiorum
Università di Bologna
School of Economics Management and Statistics
Campus Rimini
Second Cycle Degree Programme in Tourism Economics and Management
Relatore: Manuela Presutti
Anno Accademico: 2015/2016

3.2.1 - Mission, vision, and company values


We are committed to providing both incoming and domestic tourists and visitors with an experience that goes further beyond an accommodation service during the holiday. We want to be an active and exciting part of that holiday, involving our guests into the traditional tastes of the destination and creating a social and convivial atmosphere between them, local residents, and our family. We aim at representing the first choice for countryside lovers in the Middle-North of Italy, especially for those who love exploring all the cultural parts of a geographic area while being accommodated in a peaceful, relaxing place.
We are all about friends, family, dogs, and fun at Villa Teresa; our idea and hope for the future is to be considered as the place where people can come to relax with their best buddies, unwind after a long day and enjoy the great landscape. The goal is to provide excellent products and an outstanding service at reasonable prices to every single customer, every single time.


“Customize your stay, day by day.” Our slogan witnesses our fervent passion for our beloved territory and our commitment to spread it as much as possible. We will try to do it by illustrating to the guests all the great tourism possibilities that there are in the surroundings, from the art cities to the Apennines. We aim at making people fall in love with Romagna, because we believe the Romagna lifestyle is one of the healthiest in the world. Sounds exaggerated? Come and try!

Company values

Listed below are the seven main values of our business.

  1. Passion for our Region (Emilia-Romagna)
    The Region of Emilia-Romagna is very large and offers a varied landscape, stretching from the beaches of Rimini in the east almost across the whole width of Italy. It provides many opportunities for having fun and even more for eating an unforgettable meal.
  2. Interest in any type of intercultural exchange
    We strongly believe in the importance of connecting with people of all different kinds (in terms of age, nationality, income, religion...) because that is the fastest way to grow as a human being.
  3. Friendliness
    We want to make our guests feel truly welcome, just like if they were at home; for this reason, we treat everybody like friends.
  4. Informality
    We want people to be at ease and that is very likely to happen in such a familiar and casual environment like ours.
  5. Importance of enjoying life
    We aim at contributing to your enjoyment of life, to banish stress, and be more laid back while having a glass of wine at the poolside or in front of the chimney, depending on the season.
  6. Eco-responsibility and sustainability
    We are very sensitive to the issue: we do our part for the good of the planet by recycling as much as it is possible, sourcing local materials and using energy-efficient equipment (e.g. thermal insulation).
  7. Quality
    We offer local products and all-natural tasting wines of superior quality, always trying to exceed what our guests expect from us. Quality is no compromise.