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Bed & Breakfasts in Italy: The case of the Emilia-Romagna Region

di Teresa Branzaglia

Alma Mater Studiorum
Università di Bologna
School of Economics Management and Statistics
Campus Rimini
Second Cycle Degree Programme in Tourism Economics and Management
Relatore: Manuela Presutti
Anno Accademico: 2015/2016

3.3.2 - Business Strategies

In this section we will outline the best strategy to develop for our experiential business unit, always with the objective of gaining a competitive advantage. This business, as already explained, targets the pleasure-loving and relaxation seekers. The needs for peace, fun, and for spending a pleasurable time with the partner/friends/family are central. All these needs are satisfied by providing tourists with an adequate accommodation service, by proposing activities such as horseback riding in a manege nearby, by creating an easy-going atmosphere, and much more. An important component of the experiential business is the possibility to chill by the pool in the summer days.

The business strategy is differentiation, due to the particularly sophisticated nature of the experience offered to the guest, which is a fundamental intangible aspect. We rely on the unique high-quality level of services and the interrelations with local tourism operators, such as amusement parks, restaurants, etc. The success of the differentiation will allow in a few years to realize higher profits than the competitors thanks to the higher price that the market will be willing to pay because of the high quality of the product. This will be possible after having received a significant number of reviews online, of course with a high average star rating. In the meantime, we will maintain an extraordinary convenient price, building customer loyalty.