The Alle Cinque

Strada Ca' Della Terra, 57 PAVIA | Area: suburbs
Declared by the Innkeeper

We are a bed & breakfast located at 4 km from the historical center of Pavia, and we are called "The alle Cinque" (Five O'Clock Tea), as if you arrive at this time, hot tea in the winter, or iced tea in the summer, will be served.

Our desire is that our hosts can freely live the house, and not only the rooms, to enjoy the atmosphere, the colors, peace and silence.

Ours is a small renovated farm, with portico and garden, somewhat special: the ceilings are made of wood and are black or blue, the living room is 10 meters high, one can pass from the television/library area to the billiard room on a suspended catwalk with railings.

Our bed & breakfast offers three solutions: two double bedrooms, accessed through a suggestive corridor, and one small two-roomed apartment with a private access to the garden. Each bedroom can be equipped with a small bed for a baby.
Peace and silence are guaranteed everywhere, even if the dog is barking at the blackbird, the dove is nestled under the portico and Satie's notes fill the house. And now, to start relaxing… what tea would you prefer?