Al Gufo Saggio - La Casa Di Paglia

Via Gagni, 19 San Zaccaria, RAVENNA | Area: countryside
Declared by the Innkeeper

The Wise Owl is a house built entirely of straw bales.

We chose straw because it is an ecological, biodegradable, and readily available material. In fact, we used the straw from the field next to our house! I would say it's Metro Zero! No expenses for processing and transportation.

Straw is also an excellent insulator, both from heat and cold, thus guaranteeing a drastic reduction in cooling (practically zero) and heating consumption.

There is no risk of fire because the straw is covered with plaster and also because it is tightly compressed, preventing combustion due to lack of oxygen.

Furthermore, it is a very safe house from a seismic point of view: the straw absorbs shocks, so there is no danger of collapse.

Moreover, when combined with lime and raw earth plasters, straw ensures excellent humidity regulation, ensuring unparalleled climatic comfort.