B&B Il Barsot

Via Pela, 7 PETTENASCO | Area: hills
Declared by the Innkeeper

As a child I loved to go in my parent's bedroom, on the second floor of the house, and look out the tiny window. The sight was beautiful, especially in autumn days, at sunset, when the sky is fiery red or when the wind from the mountains of Ossola lash the lake, creating to me as white boats facing a race. Since that time I thought that the window was too small. It was so unfair to the landscape. I said to myself "One day there will be a huge window here because I want to dream more”.

food Many years have passed but finally the dream has come true. Now a large window allows me to enjoy a magnificent view. But why enjoy this just with my family and friends? Anyone who loves nature and the lake should live this emotion! So I opened my house.