Cilentoandmore - Dai Puddicchi - Cilento House

Via San Nicola Dei Greci, 13 CUCCARO VETERE | Area: city center
Declared by the Innkeeper

Our story began two centuries ago… when Francesco and Angela, inhabitants of Cuccaro Vetere, a small village in Cilento in the province of Salerno, gave birth to the Puddicchi family.
Francesco and Angela lived in the vicinity of the panoramic square of San Nicola dei Greci, which dominates a panorama that opens up to Mount Bulgheria and ends with the Gulf of Palinuro. In their house they gave birth to 9 children: Aniello (eldest son), Mafalda, Maurina, Addolorata, Peppina, Sceppo, Pietro, Orlando and Antonio.
To date, the Puddicchi family has about 250 what does this name mean? The "puddicchio" in Cuccarese dialect means chick. I pulcini (“puddicchi”) is the nickname given to this family due to its large number. Well are surrounded by "Puddicchi"!
"Dai Puddicchi" therefore rises in the house where the eldest son "Aniello di Puddicchio" grew up, married Francesca, and during more than 75 years of marriage, they literally "raised" 7 children: Angelina, Antonio, Petruccia, Peppino, Franco, Paolina and Silvia.
The house was originally composed of 2 small rooms, one bedroom and a living room, where the "U’Suppigno" apartment is currently located. The kitchen, on the other hand, was separated in the next room, where the "A'Fornacella" apartment now exists, and was accessed from the outside on the small Via San Nicola dei Greci. The bathroom instead?.... in the early 1900s there was no real bathroom so "A’Muscitura" was used in the garden of the house. Only in the 1970s was a small bathroom built on the bedroom balcony.
In the garden there were some fruit trees and a chicken farm that delighted the palates with fresh eggs every day. The guest of honor of the whole house was for almost a century the donkey of Aniello di Puddicchio, who lived in the most exclusive place in the house..."U’Uttaro".
The logo
Our logo depicts a chick (the "Puddicchio") and an iconography of a mountain, under which Cuccaro Vetere stands. This representation also recalls an electrocardiogram… indicative of the vitality that has characterized the family during the last centuries.
Your experience
Dai Puddicchi wants to make you relive the experience of this large family that, having firmly established the values ??of the place, dedication to work, rigor, hospitality, it has always been a point of reference for the entire Cuccarese population.
During your experience please ask us a few questions...we will be happy to tell you some anecdotes and stories about the family and what happened in the small Via San Nicola dei Greci in the last century. You can ask around in the neighborhood or in the town square… there are “Puddicchi” practically everywhere.
Enjoy the peace and tranquility of this enchanted place, where time passes slowly and the freshness of the evenings help you sleep.