
Overall Rating 7.4 / 10
3 reviews
Property: 3 | Cleaning: 6 | Host: 4 | Location: 7 | Price/Quality: 8
Absolutely negative. The exhaust of the portable air conditioner, penguin type, was tied to the window with a pair of shoe strings. The window shutters were non-existent and the fairly thin curtain allowed a lot of light to pass through. The most glaring thing was the breakfast advertised as "included" on the website, which consisted of only 3 coffee capsules, some tea bags, and three Coop biscuits type "Oro Saiwa" with a veil of melted chocolate from the heat. I don't want to mislead people, I still unrolled the curtains, but they were not enough. Please remove the wording "Breakfast included" from your website. I have never made an issue about the price, but I reiterate that the stay was negative.
stayed from 07/08/2023 to 07/09/2023
The answer from the host:
gentile cliente le e' gia' stato spiegato che la colazione le case vacanza non la possono offrire per legge non avendo licenza per alimenti..se va a vedere sul sito nella spiegazione della colazione e' chiaramente scritto cio': Colazione a base di merendine e cialde caffè e tè miste inoltre i prezzi a Bologna con colazione inclusa partono da 90 eur ..e molti hotel la mettono come costo a parte per non fare gravare il costo del soggiorno..avrebbe dovuto scegliere un altro tipo di struttura pagando OVVIAMENTE DI PIU' dei 65 eur richiesti..:))inoltre le tende vanno sapute srotolare come da istruzioni appese alla finestra..:))) grazie della sua comprensione e simpatia :))))
Property: 8 | Cleaning: 9 | Host: 10 | Location: 8 | Price/Quality: 10
giampiero rated this property but he didn't leave any comment
stayed from 05/16/2023 to 05/18/2023
Property: 6 | Cleaning: 7 | Host: 10 | Location: 8 | Price/Quality: 7
Comfortable and clean facility, top manager, very practical and precise in directions.
stayed from 03/15/2023 to 03/16/2023
The answer from the host:
grazie arrivederci alla prossima :))