Via Luigi Capuana, 6/A - NICOLOSI (CT)
The B&B has a quiet and sunny position, it is sorrounded by a wide garden and is the ideal way to spend your holiday between mountain and sea. Nicolosi (the B&B's town) represents in fact a strategic point that enables you to visit all the main East Sicily's wonders: Acitrezza's "Faraglioni", Catania's baroque, Taormina, Noto, Caltagirone, Piazza Armerina, Agrigento, the entire island will be in your hand!
It is a beautiful and confortable villa, just built up, furnished in a lovely but at the same time practical way, with attention on details, and materials that are typical of here, such as lavic stone and ghiara (Rena rossa), that comes from the burning of melted sediments during volcanic eruptions. The two rooms, wide and homey, are personilized by handmade decora on walls and forniture, decora that we even find in the American kitchen.

The owner is a young (but motivated indeed) man, really affectionate to his land. He is available to be your guide and then to share with his hosts the culture of the most important and interesting places you can visit.

You will have also the chance to take part in half-day/full-day excursions, with the expert guides of Etna Experiece, who will lead you through the Etna's tracks showing you the volcano's wonders.
*Declared by the Innkeeper