Via Massarenti, 14 - BOLOGNA (BO)
The apartment is located on Via Massarenti, just 100 meters away from Sant'Orsola Malpighi Hospital, Villa Torri, and the Accredited Private Hospital Nigrisoli.

Please specify in the request for healthcare services which hospital you prefer. If not for healthcare services, please indicate your preferred area.

The facility offers a fully equipped kitchen for guests, as well as a laundry room with a washing machine, private bathroom, TV, a very comfortable terrace, air conditioning, and heating. It is located 20 meters away from restaurants and supermarkets, 400 meters from the city center, and offers a pleasant 15-minute walk.

Prices vary depending on city events, such as fairs, and high/low season.

We do not provide breakfast and there is no internet available.

Please note that B&B Sant'Orsola has no current relationship or agreement with San Orsola healthcare facility.
*Declared by the Innkeeper