Via Di San Rocco, 11/A - CALDES (TN)
The idea of opening the doors of the house was born during the renovation of the roof, we found ourselves with a large unused space.

Hence the decision to dedicate ourselves to the guests to make known the wonders of the beautiful Val di Sole and neighboring valleys (Val di Rabbi, Val di Pejo, Val di Non).

We like to welcome our guests in Caldes, a country rich in history and culture, spoiling them with the comforts we provide and providing valuable advice to make their stay unforgettable.

The structure consists of a triple room with a bathroom in the room, while the two doubles each have their own bathroom, outside the room.

The attic is pervaded by the enveloping scent of wood and, to appreciate its qualities, we recommend walking barefoot on the larch wood parquet, coming from the woods of the area.

Access to the rooms in the attic on the third floor is possible only with stairs, there is no elevator, for this reason our property is not ideal for those with reduced mobility,
The rooms, as well as the breakfast area are air conditioned.

We chose not to have the TV to leave room for reading one of the countless books present!
*Declared by the Innkeeper