Via Castiglione, 122 - BOLOGNA (BO)
B&B Rizzoli Villa Regina. Bologna.

We are located near Villa Regina Hospital, 150 meters away.

We are also close to Rizzoli Hospital, 500 meters away.

Bus service number 30 operates every 10 minutes for a 3-minute journey.

Bus service number 30 is a shuttle service to Villa Regina, just 3 minutes away.

Surrounded by the beautiful Margherita Gardens.

Ideal for short or long-term stays.

For families of patients.

The apartment is located on Via Castiglione, a short distance from the Private Hospital.

Accredited by Villa Regina and the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute, both facilities can be reached on foot or by bus number 30, which stops just a few meters from our property.

B&B Rizzoli Villa Regina is designed for family members accompanying hospitalized patients, even for long periods.

The property has a fully equipped kitchen, laundry area, TV, and air conditioning.

Our staff is always available to make your stay as pleasant as possible.

Prices vary depending on city events such as fairs, etc., and high/low seasons.

For more information, we are at your disposal.

We do not offer breakfast and do not have internet.

Please note that B&B Rizzoli Villa Regina has no current relationship or agreement with Villa Regina - Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute.
*Declared by the Innkeeper