Via Fossa, 7 - Castiglione di Ravenna, RAVENNA (RA)
The Garden of Rebecca, was born in 1998, it's foundation has been excavated ina field of wheat. Built almost exclusively with recycled materials strict accordance with the local tradition and architecture. The Garden of Rebecca has the unique flavor that only a place with it`s story own can give. Each detail encloses within a spark of life. Thick walls, ceilings with exposed wood beams, tiles floors, doors from ancient convents and old trains, floors and stairs in " graniglia", carved marble sinks, river stones caatings mixed with contemporary mosaics create all around a fine balance of simplicity and cars for the details and give sense of uniquyness garden of Rebecca belongs to the name of her owner Rebecca, she created out of a wheat field a little oasis full of magic. The history begins about 18 years ago, when Rebecca bilt her own word in this corner of countryside in Castiglione di Ravenna. Her firs friend is a rooster, normal rooster, like the ones you coul find in any henhouse, but thanks to her love for the animals Rebecca managed to tame it giving it the name PioPio. Together they watch TV especially cartoons while PioPio loves getting scratched the almanac perched belly up next to her. This little gang soon welcomes the additions "Pigurin" al little sheep, really like the one of "Heid", the three become inseparable and day after day they will take an sw` adventures. Like "Heid" though, when she turned 9 Rebecca moves to a new city far from everything and everyone. It has not been easy for the little "Heidi from Romagna "with her wild spirit to adapt to the strict rules of a college of swiss Nuns, but like any good tale there`s an happy ending! Today Rebecca is a strong and focused girl ready to tackle this new adventure: she decided to get back to her farm and to make it her first job.
*Declared by the Innkeeper